Terms And Condtitions
H Crane, LLC dba Hannibal Crane Service, LLC, - called Lessor, hereby rents and leases the equipment, and furnishes the personnel as described on here of the customer names thereon, hereinafter called the Lessee, subject to the following conditions:
- INDEMNIFICATION: Lessee agrees to indemnify and save Lessor, its employees, and agents harmless from all claims for death or injury to persons, including Lessor’s employees, and from all loss, damage or injury to property, or its loss of use, including the equipment, arising in any manner out of Lessee’s operation of the equipment. Lessee’s duty to indemnify hereunder shall include all costs or expenses arising out of all claims specified herein, including all court and/or arbitration costs, filing fees, attorney’s fees, and costs of settlement. Lessee shall not be required to indemnify Lessor for its sole negligence except for loss for use, but, Lessor’s liability for damage caused by the sole negligence of Lessor, it agents and employees, hereunder shall be limited to the amount of Lessor’s liability insurance.
- COMPETENT OPERATION BY LESSEE: Lessee agrees to provide competent and experienced personnel to direct the operation of the equipment. Qualified Riggers and Signal people shall be provided in accordance with OSHA subpart CC Cranes and Derricks. The Lessee shall act in accordance with OSHA subpart CC in providing suitable ground conditions for the crane operation. Lessee further agrees to use said equipment and rigging in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction and agrees that counterweight in excess of the manufacturer’s specifications shall not be used.
- CONFORMANCE TO ALL LAWS: Lessee agrees to use the equipment in strict compliance with all applicable rules, laws regulations, and orders.
- LIFTNG DEVICES: Lessee assumes all liability for the adequacy of design or the strength of any lifting lug or device embedded in or attached to any object.
- WEIGHT: It is the Lessee's responsibility to give Lessor the correct weight of the object to be lifted, which is indicated in this Agreement. If actual weight of said object exceeds that which is specified, and an accident should occur, the Lessee is responsible for all costs resulting from such inaccurate information, such as damages to crane, properties, object being lifted, personal injury, or death.